Rediscover Dairy

Amasi Jelly Trifle

Amasi Jelly Trifle


  • 200 g Coconut biscuits, crushed
  • 80 g Strawberry Jelly powder
  • 2 cups Amasi
  • 500 ml Fresh Custard
  • Garnishing, fresh strawberries


  • Mix the jelly powder with the amasi using a whisk.
  • Divide the crushed biscuits into 4 glasses, leaving some biscuits for garnishing.
  • Top the crushed biscuits with the jelly and amasi mixture.
  • Add the custard on top of the jelly and amasi mixture to create the third layer of the trifle.
  • Finish of by garnishing with some crushed biscuits and freshly cut strawberries.
  • Allow the trifles to set in the fridge for about 2 hours before serving.

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Rediscover Dairy